Battle for Bihaar

by Jenny

Radzok the fiercest, most powerful troll overlord in all of Bihaar charged headlong at Wombledor the White, horns glinting in the light of the 3 summer moons. The wizard’s chances weren’t good. Shouting the ancient incantation ‘Razzamatazz’, Wombledor prepared for battle.

In quick succession The wizard flung his fire spell, a heavy rock and a pitcher of water at Radzok, but to no avail. Wombledor knew he should submit with grace to his worthy opponent, but that was just not in his nature.

Instead he threw the dice down onto the floor of the pub and sulkily knocked over a half drunk pint. It dripped miserably off the table as the other players stared at him; shocked but not surprised. It had been a mistake to let Edd be Wombledor, but he’d drawn the wizard’s lot fair and square at the beginning of the game and the part was his until he won or died trying.

Radzok pulled off his plastic horns and glared at Edd in exasperation.

“Mate, it’s over. Just accept that you lost. We’ll be done soon anyway.”

“Shut up Brian” said Edd. “You think I’m going to let a filthy troll like you claim dominion over Bihaar?” At Brian’s side Salacia, the most beautiful fairy princess in Bihaar - Daisy Hoggs, crammed to bursting into a corset with wings taped on - sniggered.

“Edd, it’s just a game. You’re spoiling it and you owe me another drink.”

Pushing back his wizard’s sleeve to show off expensive leather fingerless gloves Edd threw a handful of change onto the table, grabbed his cloak and strode out of The Black Lion. Again.

Back at halls Edd sat heavily on the bed wondering if he’d overreacted. But Brian’s smug face came to mind and he was filled with frustration again. Brian always won, always seemed to be the good guy, even when he was playing an evil troll. It wasn’t fair. He seemed to bring out the worst in Edd. This had been his chance to play the hero and Brian had made him act like a petulant child.

Edd started the slow process of removing his costume when there was a tap on his door. Frowning he went to open it. Nobody ever came to see him, not out of choice anyway. He wasn’t exactly Mr Popularity.

At the door stood a tiny pixie girl, clutching two steaming mugs of tea, the Settlers of Catan board game and a pitifully hopeful expression.

“Hi, um Edd? I’m Ellie. My room’s down there.” Ellie pointed, nearly her game. “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to play? I’ve wanted to ask you for a while now, but you’re always so busy and...”

Without waiting for an answer she ducked under his enormous arm and established herself on his floor, patting the space beside her.

Astonished Edd closed the door and lowered his enormous frame down onto the floor next to her tiny one and together they began to unpack the game.
